12.1 C
21 décembre 2024
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L’éclipse de Lune sur Instagram

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De magnifiques photos de l’éclipse de Lune à travers le monde

Cette nuit, les USA, une bonne partie de l’Europe et l’Afrique de l’Ouest ont pu assister à un magnifique spectacle de la nature : une éclipse totale de Lune.

Nous avons fait le tour d’Instagram afin de partager avec vous, les plus belles images.

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Happy Full moon loves!!!!…. and it’s not just any full moon tonight/tomorrow It’s a Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse, it’s the only total lunar eclipse for 2019 and It's the Last Until 2021 ? ✨ Lunar eclipses are a more potent full moon and more relationship-oriented than Solar eclipses but they are not always about relationships between two people. They can trigger awareness of need in other areas of our lives, such as our relationship to work, to our health and bodies, and so forth. This is a time when matters come to light–things that have been brewing under the surface! Let these things out and start to move forward with a fresh perspective ✨ I have been driving home from wales this afternoon after a bit of time away and we had the moon out in all her glory keeping us company, so blessed too have clear skies here tonight!!! I hope you all have a lovely full moon and I hope you get too see the lunar eclipse, hopefully I will get up at 5am tomorrow morning to catch it ?? ✨ . Beautiful Astro-photography by @jaxsonpohlmanphotography ?

Une publication partagée par COPPERMOON ~ Kate ? (@_coppermoon_) le

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Full Super Blood Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo, January 20~ Think of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, this blotting out of the Moon, as a reset, as a cleansing, as a doorway at the end of a long stairway, waiting for you to open it and slip on through to the other side. Like a lion who's been slowly, silently, stalking through the night, ready to leap from the shadows and into the light. Still, remember to tread carefully. For this sense of anticipation tends to bring feelings of restlessness and frustration to the surface. We all want our destinies to reveal themselves. But we must first reveal ourselves to our destinies. Which means we have work to do. From the deepest level of our souls. We are being called upon for transformation. For rebirth. There is a feeling of culmination hanging thick in the air, of cycles coming to a close. These past 6 months have left us feeling scattered, and swollen with uncertainty. Now is the time to refocus and release. Naturally, this shift, this purge, will leave you feeling off balance and drained. It's messy stuff, this soul work. This is why it is important we understand these energies swirling within and around us so we can face them with mindfulness and patience. Remember, your wound is a womb from which you were made to bloom. But you have to put in the work. Until you do, any lower vibrations will throw off your frequencies, will drag you down and divert you. Patterns will continue to present themselves until you dismantle them. Ask yourself- what stirs your soul to dance? What brings your life full circle and makes you feel complete? It is in the answers to these questions that you will hear your destiny whispering to you. Be silent, be still, and listen. When you align yourself with your true calling, the universe responds. Trust that all will unfold as it should. The right people and the right opportunities will come when you are ready to meet them. The picture will continue to expand if you keep showing up with an open mind and an open heart. Words by @luna.lingua continued in comments, photo by @andrislinz #fullmooneclipse #lunareclipse #lunareclipse2018

Une publication partagée par Marysia Miernowska (@thegaiaschoolofhealingca) le

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